March 15th, 2019

Sella Turcica
by Amy Baskin
Sella Turcica
—part of the sphenoid
In my skull,
a butterfly bone
flutters, restless,
slipped saddle
to lobes
and glands.
She registers distress
reading the skull’s
cryptic Braille.
Her hands
Replace on rails
this drawer
that moments ago
would not shut.
will it hold
my thoughts?
Amy Baskin reads “Sella Turcica”:
Amy Baskin’s recent work has appeared in VoiceCatcher, Cirque, and Friends Journal. She is a 2019 Oregon Literary Arts fellowship recipient. When not writing, she matches international students at Lewis & Clark College with local volunteers to help make them feel welcome and at home during their stay. “Sella Turcica” is about a conversation between an injured brain and a craniosacral therapist.