March 15th, 2019

Special Thanks
from Tracy Granzyk

To David Mayer for his vision and belief that stories can, and do, connect patients and providers in ways that change healthcare for the better.

To Barb and Bob Malizzo, for so willingly sharing your story and your time to make sure other families do not experience the same loss yours has endured. To say that Bob will be missed is one of the greatest understatements. RIP Robert Malizzo 3-14-19.

To Helen Haskell for being in this world, for constant inspiration and reminder of what is just, and for being a sophisticated reader and critic.

To Rosemary Gibson and Marty Hatlie, the joint epicenter of healthcare narratives, and calm, reassuring voices in the ever-changing healthcare landscape. You both have put the patient voice at the center of healthcare reform.

To David Ulin, Emily Rapp Black, Tod Goldberg, and Joshua Malkin. My eternal gratitude for your patience, feedback, and guidance throughout my UCRPDLRMFA experience.

To Deanne Stillman for introducing me to the genius that is Cat Gwynn, and for restarting my career as a creative nonfiction writer.

To Dara Hyde for challenging me to be a better writer with every pass of our book proposal.

To John Flynn-York—this issue would not exist without your editorial excellence and technical ability.

To my section editors—Anna-Liisa Larks, Grace Jasmine & Stephen Granzyk—for your talents as writers and editors, and for your willingness to donate your time (and a lot of it!) to Please See Me. I could not have done this without you.

Tracy Granzyk is the editor in chief of Please See Me.