April 22nd, 2022


Three Poems

by Jill Michelle

When the Orderly Wheels Me Out Afterward

there is a family
loading up their SUV

fumbling with the baby seat
as the morning sun winks

off the shiny Mylar balloons
with their blinding pink hues

confetti exploding around the words:
Congratulations! It’s a girl!

and I can’t swallow
the hiccupped sob

before the new mother hears
turns, smile caught

on my balloonless wheelchair
watery stare

no cart of bouquets to be
packed in the backseat

no pastel-tissued gift bags
to tuck in the trunk

no baby
just a lapful of grief

just me, watching the family
I thought we would be

as I wait for my husband
to pull up

rescue me.

Jill Michelle reads “When the Orderly Wheels Me Out Afterward”:

Empty Nest

You remember the children you got that you did not get
—Gwendolyn Brooks

That first morning after is the worst—you
instinctively reach for her only to remember
you’ve failed once again, are as empty as the
abandoned house across the street, children
falling through the faulty floorboards you
call a body. Train-engine heartbeat you got
to hear each week at the doctor’s office, that
jelly-bean body, the flurry of feet that you
watched on the black & white screen but did
not ever get to see in color, this daughter not
to be met—ultrasound memories, all we get.

Jill Michelle reads “Empty Nest”:

Waiting Room Blues

Stuck here in another doctor’s office with its basic
whitewashed walls, tiled floors, generic décor, pastel-
painted triptychs, slanted pink lines to stare at, instead

of that wall calendar, announcing another February and
casting fourteen years off as fast as that last cotton gown
slid down to a blue puddle on the hospital floor.

Remind yourself: this is just the allergist, dermatologist,
orthopedist—no OBGYN anymore, no high-risk specialist.
You aren’t pregnant with anything but grief. It swells

your belly like a phantom limb. Baby bump grown back.
You listen for the ultrasound, the train back on its track.

Jill Michelle reads “Waiting Room Blues”:

Jill Michelle teaches at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida. Her latest poems appear/are forthcoming in DMQ Review, untethered magazine, Delmarva Review, Coffee People and Drunk Monkeys. Recent anthology credits include The Book of Bad Betties (Bad Betty Press, UK) and Words from the Brink (Arachne Press Limited, UK). To check out more of her work, visit byjillmichelle.com.