September 17th, 2019

Her Perspective
by Leslie
Her Perspective
Masked bandits held me captive
at knife point
immobile, fettered
incapable of movements slight
full body prostrate
surrounded by flat, yet burning, human eyes
drugs at the ready
Stealthy and not easily captured
I was never easy prey
until this vulnerable moment
time and virulent enemies
plotted with
more ammunition than I could deflect
lacking reserve to counter this frontal assault
No mortal with heart
could possibly attend this rite
this vivisection of spirit
a rending of my flesh
not my choice, not by choice
I demand my property back
Give me back my breast
Leslie Hendrickson-Baral reads “Her Perspective”:
Leslie Hendrickson-Baral, a neurotherapist, mind coach and cognitive performance enhancement specialist, is a thought-provoking published poet. Her literary resume includes publication in Carbon Culture Review, Falling Star, two editions of Wired Art from Wired Hearts, Magee Park Poets Anthology, five consecutive San Diego Poetry Annuals, and More Taste Berries for Teens by Bettie B. Youngs. After more than several bouts of face-to-face physical reality challenges, Leslie has earned the right to confront deep probing both in the form of gardening and exploring life’s far-reaching questions of cause and purpose.
Header image entitled, Girl in the Galaxy, by Serena Aurora Day Himmelfarb