Artist’s Statement
by Thomas Ferella

Corona Chronicles 3.7 by Thomas Ferrella

Corona Chronicles 2.9 by Thomas Ferrella

Corona Chronicles 2.2 by Thomas Ferrella
Exploration is the simplest way to assay my work. Photography has been the foundation though I willfully stray into music, video, painting, large-scale installations, sculpting in wood, and found objects. My art is as free as my interpretations of the world. Everything is fair game. Common threads exist though I consider them irrelevant. My aesthetic is a natural abstraction, a graphic documentation, a personal dialogue, an invitation to poetry.
Genesis of The Corona Chronicles: My photography catalog goes back 40 years and lately I have been collecting words and using them for titles for my work and as spoken word poetry with my band. The combination of these two collections colliding during this crisis is exactly how all of my work arises—insightful serendipity, being woke, looking, seeing….
Thomas Ferrella is a recovering emergency medicine physician who worked for 30 years. He is now retired, and working as a Wisconsin-based artist who conceptualizes a piece or a body of work based on visual clues and their subsequent sensory perception. He speculates in a variety of artistic mediums, frequently commenting on and responding to social and environmental causes using truth as his guide. His work can be found on Instagram: @artistthomasferrella and at and