Princess of Wales
by Lily Gavazov
Princess of Wales
My father used to tell me—
because she died almost
exactly three months
before I was born—
part of her soul transferred to me.
Maybe it was destiny I inherit
it from her.
The unrelenting quest for perfection.
increasingly messy.
Her puddings. My candy wrappers
funnel down gullets.
Palace bathrooms, apartment lavatories.
A body folds over:
hand tunnels into mouth,
another nudges
underneath rib cage.
My synthetic sapphire ring
caught between two cliffs—
suspended into
never enough. In the mirror—
counting capillaries,
eyelids decorated
with blood vessel bursts.
A Sisyphean scoreboard.
The custom of it all.
Lily Gavazov reads “Princess of Wales”:
Lily Gavazov is a poet from Chapel Hill, NC. Her work has appeared on Sad Girls Club Lit. She lives in Carrboro, NC. and is currently working on a manuscript. Find out more at lilygavazov.com.