Issue #1
March 15th, 2019

Cover Image: Filter by Hannah Jeremiah
First published in CALYX, A Journal of Art and Literature by Women
Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor: A Standing Invitation to Join the Conversation
Letter from the Nonfiction Editor: The Universal Need for Humanity
1392 | Emily Duren
Talking Headaches | Pam Munter
The Words | Suzanne Samuels
Unmanageable Care | Shara Kronmal
In the World | Caitlin Farrell
Forgetting Aiden | Cyndy Cendagorta
Artist’s Statement | Hannah Jeremiah
An Authentic Sense of Self: PSM Talks with Cat Gwynn – Photographer, Artist, and Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor
Letter from the Fiction Editor: The Purpose of Writing: Human Connection
A Way Up the Hill | Scott Beard
Be Here Now | Eric Jacobs
Local Legend | James Swansbrough
Scrubbed and Waiting | Cathy Warner
The Beauty of Practice: PSM Talks with Chaya Bhuvaneswar – Physician and Creative Writer
Letter from the Poetry Editor: The Humanizing Power of Civil Words
The Color Blue and It’s been six years | Fae Kayarian
The Striker Talks with the Doctor | John Davis
Surrounded by Strangers, Bedside Manner,
and Standing on Wishbones | Laurie Kolp
Operating Talk and The Good Patient | Ann Wallace
Alzheimer’s, Reverse Cheating,
and My Mother Said | Suellen Wedmore
Sella Turcica | Amy Baskin
Unnameable | Sam Moore
Keeping Score and Tuesday Night | Danielle Salvadori
With gratitude to our sponsor, the MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety