Issue #8
Rest & Recovery
August 19th, 2021
Letter from the Guest Nonfiction Editor: Practicing Wellness
Coping | Melissa Brand
How to Grieve | Jennifer Ng
No Tears Would Come | Tom Willemain
Turtle Woman | Bethanie Gorny
Letter from the Poetry Editor: Keeping It Going
A Second Pandemic Easter | Megan Joiner
It and Never Going Back | Dameien Nathaniel
Progress | Mantz Yorke
aubade to windbreak and Letter to My Brother | Aremu Adams Adebisi
Mountain Fever and Best Valentine | Joan Mazza
A Modern Day Sarcophagus and A Soluble Tablet | Donny Winter
New York in Spring | Jes Burke
Cheriton Bishop Hospital, 3 a.m. and
Of birds, their nfluence on the weather | Lorelei Bacht
An Unexplained Head Twitch | Eric Roller
Life as an Oak, at Recovery | Johnathan B. Aibel
Letter from the Guest Fiction Editor: Resting, Recovering, and Developing Resilience
Ode to a Holy Dead Guy | Alvaro Adizon
Snow Days | Cathleen Davies
Springhill Support Group | Kaitlyn Johnson
How to Love Your Cat and Subsequently the World | Sandi Sonnenfeld
Progress and Evolve | Nancy Wahler
Cover Image: Tenryu-ji Kyoto Bamboo | Anthony Clark
Anchoresses | Jamie Azevedo
Just Vaccinated | Nathan DiPerri & Julianne Frega
Bellevue Botanical Garden | Cindy Phan
Healing Ever So Slowly | Kaelin Hanrattie
Drowning My Sorrows | Tracy Whiteside
Still Moment | Evelina Kvartunaite
We are grateful for the continued support of the
MedStar Institute for Quality & Safety.
We are grateful for a grant from the
Maryland Humanities made possible by
the National Endowment for the Humanities