Artist’s Statement
by Tracy Whiteside

Drowning My Sorrows by Tracy Whiteside
Drowning My Sorrows was born from so many emotions. The feeling of failure, of hopelessness, of sinking. The girl is not fighting. She has surrendered. I think there are moments when we all feel like giving up. We are just tired of trying to climb out of the sand pit. But when she hits the bottom, she will rise and once again determined, she will battle her way back to the place she belongs.
Tracy Whiteside is an award-winning Chicago-area photographer specializing in conceptual art. She is captivated by anything magical. Whether dark or divine, she wants to tell the story. In her past lives, Tracy has worked in fashion, the talent industry, and musical theatre. All this experience has provided many of the skills she needs for developing the narrative and the visuals for her images. A photographer since 2004, Tracy is self-taught. Inspiration is everywhere, and she explores each element that stirs her passion. Tracy wants to open the viewers’ eyes and mind, as well as encourage them to examine their own soul and spirit. Her art is meant to ignite the imagination as well as initiate conversation. You can find Tracy on Instagram @whitesidetracy, on Facebook at TracyWhitesidePhotography. FANTASYLAND: DARK ART: