Artist’s Statement
by Nathan DiPerri & Julianne Frega

Just Vaccinated by Nathan J. DiPerri & Julianne Frega
Our cartoon features an elderly couple joyfully embarking on their lives together as a newly vaccinated couple. This idea was born out of contemplating the ways in which the vaccination offers life a new beginning, the elation and relief one may feel upon becoming vaccinated, and the fact that it is a choice that most couples commit to together. The drawing was rendered in ink on Strathmore Bristol board.
Julianne Frega and Nathan J. DiPerri met by providence in Providence and have been creating together ever since. Frega DiPerri are the co-creators of the Buddy and Romeo comic and animation series and a greeting card/product line called “Coffee Lovers’ Christmas.” Their cartoons have been published in The American Legion Magazine, 2 Million Blossoms, The American Bystander’s 251, Teachers of Vision, and The Spectator. They will be published in upcoming issues of Caribbean Compass, School Administrator, and Phi Delta Kappan. Their cartoons are licensed worldwide with CartoonStock and can be found on Instagram @FregaDiPerri and on Twitter @BuddyAndRomeo.